Questions Ask A RecruiterHow To Stand Out
Samuel asked 8 years ago

Hi Polo and Tweed Recruiters,
I’ve been a butler for five years. I just ended a three year position with a family and now I am looking for a new placement. I haven’t touched my CV since my last job so now I am in the process of rewriting it. What can I do to help stand out? What specific things do you look for when you’re reviewing CVs?

1 Answers
mmLucy Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Samuel

Thank you for your question.  The CV or CV is the most important thing to consider when looking for a new job as its the first impression.  As a professional Butler you’ll know that first impressions count and can be the difference between getting into an interview to meet the client.  
Some of our top tips include a great photo as it helps make an instant connection, all your up to date contact information (you’d be surprised how often candidate put an old number or address) and we always recommend starting from the most recent position and working back historically. There is nothing worse than a CV which at the top states what you were doing in 1985!  😉
Make sure you get someone to proof read it as spelling mistakes and typos are a big no no.  And lastly make sure it doesn’t last for pages.  A good CV or CV shouldn’t last more than 3 or 4 pages max!  Be efficient and to the point.
Good luck with your new job applications!
Lucy Challenger