Questions Domestic Staff ForumProducts for children?
Erin Schiller asked 8 years ago

I’m a newly qualified maternity nurse and the mother I work for has asked me to use Johnsons & Johnsons at bath time with the new born. What is everyone’s thoughts on this line of products?

1 Answers
Harry Hewlett Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Erin, Johnson & Johnson’s is a well known bath and beauty range.  Many maternity nurses we work with find that their products are quite harsh for newborn skin, and often is more drying than nourishing.  With my own maternity nurse, she recommended using coconut oil, as its a natural product with no chemicals at all in it.  A general rule is to avoid anything with chemicals on newborn skin.  That being said, every mum has the right to decide what product should be used with their babies, and as a maternity nurse this should always be respected 🙂

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