How To Prepare for Having a Live in Housekeeper


Published on March 5, 2020

You have decided to hire a live in Housekeeper. But are you fully prepared for having a housekeeper living in your house? Also, do you know what you should provide for the housekeeper? Find out here!

So how to prepare for having a live in Housekeeper?

Why a Live in Housekeeper

Firstly, let’s look at the benefits of a Live in Housekeeper. Having someone on the premises already cuts away a lot of issues. For example, travel time. Your housekeeper will not get stuck in traffic on their way to work. They can simply walk from their room to the main house areas. This also means the housekeeper is more likely to be flexible. As they do not have to travel or commute, they can get more done.

Finally, a live in housekeeper can become part of the family. Especially if there are children in the household. Having a live in Housekeeper can mean that the person also takes on some childcare tasks and can help with school run. And the early morning rush!

How to prepare the house – bedroom

When hiring a live in Housekeeper, you need to have certain things in place to accommodate the person. Someone is living in your house full time, so consider privacy for both you and the housekeeper. As this person will be living in your household, they should – at least – be given their own bedroom. Therefore make sure you have a spare room in the house that can be turned into a suitable bedroom.

Think about the location of the bedroom. Depending on the size of the house, can you separate your family sleeping area from the housekeepers? Many people prepare a designated bedroom in the basement or the loft of the house. This way you can separate evening routines and give the housekeeper, and yourself, private time too.

The bedroom should at least have a window, a bed, closet and maybe a table or chair. If possible, make sure the live in housekeeper has their own en-suite or own bathroom to use near the bedroom. This way you will not have to share a bathroom which makes things handier for the whole household. Some families can also provide a kitchen area. Again, this also ensures privacy. Meaning the housekeeper will not have to use your kitchen for their own food preparations.

Meals and family time

As mentioned above, having a lack of organisation can mean a loss of privacy in your own house when having a live in housekeeper. Make sure you have prepared a schedule to clarify when the live in housekeeper will be part of family meals, and when they will not be.

Will a live housekeeper work 24/7?

A commonly asked question regarding a live in housekeeper. Some assume that, because the person lives in the house full time, they can also work full time. However, again preparation is key here. The housekeeper is your employee and therefore has employment rights.

Under UK law everyone is allowed at least one 20 minute break if they work more than 6 hours per day. This break does not have to be paid. Workers also have the right to 11 hours rest between work shifts. Finally, they also have the right to have an uninterrupted 24 hour period of rest every week. You can read more about it on the UK Government website.

To summarise, this means that although your housekeeper lives in your house, they are allowed breaks and time off just like any other worker would. Keep this in mind when preparing for a live in housekeeper and have a schedule so that all tasks are clear, as well as breaks.

Payment and Employment

Another important factor to consider and prepare, is salary and employment. If you are hiring an employee, which your live in housekeeper will be, the right agreement needs to be in place. Read our handy guide on how much you should pay your live in housekeeper.

If you are not sure about salaries, this great website can help you further too in salary calculations. Finally, reading on this government website about employment might help too.

How can Polo & Tweed help?

Polo & Tweed have a very large database of excellent live in housekeepers. There will be one suited exactly to your and your households needs. Let us help you in the search for your new live in housekeeper for a smooth and efficient recruitment process.

Do get in touch with us here to talk with one of our recruitment consultants.

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