The Benefits of an Online Tutor


Published on March 30, 2020

You will surely have heard of the principle of a tutor. Basically, a private teacher who a single pupil or a very small group. Many people use tutors to help their children with extra focus on specific subjects or to prepare for exams. They can also be extremely helpful if you are homeschooling. But did you know the tutor does not even have to come to your house? There are so many benefits to having an online tutor!

Online tutors are here and are becoming more and more normal. Your child will still get all the tailor-made tuition he or she needs, simply via video chat.

So what are the benefits of having an online tutor?

How does an Online Tutor Work

There are several different ways your online tutor can set up their lessons. They would either pre-record lessons for your children to watch, or they would do a live tutoring session. Both options can be either for a group of people or tailor-made exactly for your child or children. A live tutoring session can also be for a group of children at the same time, or a specific 1-1 session just for the tutor and your child.

It is important to understand first what your child needs, to get the true benefits of an online tutor. The difference between 1-1 private tuition and a group lesson is important. If your child or children really have something very specific they need help with, there will be more benefits in having 1-1 time with your online tutor. However if the reason for tutoring is a general help, and if finances play a role, a group session might be better suited.

Whether group or 1-1, your online tutor would book in a date and time with you – pre-agreed beforehand. There are several online servers that work very well with video calling, such as Skype and Zoom. Your online tutor might have to pay for their services but it should be completely free for you to use. You should just pay for the tutoring!

For the class, make sure you have your child set up in a quiet room with a desk and notepad. A session should really feel like serious study time, so sitting in a busy kitchen is not suitable. Make sure the internet connection is solid so that the session does not have to be interrupted. There are sometimes even options to record the online session. A great way for your child to watch instructions back when learning a new skill or subject.

Pick any tutor, anywhere in the world

More benefits of having an online tutor is being able to select a tutor from anywhere in the world. Are you looking for a tutor with a really specific set of skills? When selecting an online tutor, you are no longer limited to someone who lives in your local area. You want to keep time zones in mind, but besides that, there is no reason why you shouldn’t select an online tutor who, for example, lives in another country.

The internet really is a wonderful thing when it comes to education – it opens us up to opportunities and people that might not have been available or accessible before. Connections can be made online, you can interview the tutor over video chat and international payments are also very easy nowadays online. It really opens up a world of possibilities!

Why pick an Online Tutor

There are many reasons why you could choose to find an online tutor – but sometimes it might be your only option. Maybe, for whatever reason, your child or children cannot go to school for a period of time. Maybe there is an illness, maybe you live in a very remote location or travel a lot.

Having an online tutor is a great, solid constant to give your child when there might be times of uncertainty. Having that same person, as their online tutor, providing them with support and classes at set times during the week can be great for stability and routine. Especially if life around them might not be so stable.


More benefits in having an online tutor can be found in the flexibility it can bring. As mentioned above, maybe you travel a lot and cannot always offer the same schedule per week. But equally so, an online tutor does not have to commute to your house to provide a tutoring session. No more being late, stuck in traffic, etc. Your tutor can access the session from wherever they are – and that also counts for your child! Although sessions will be most effective if your child is in a quiet room where they can focus on the session, sometimes it might be needed to have a session from another location.

Just as your tutor can do the video call from anywhere, your child can too. So if you are indeed travelling, if your child is staying over elsewhere, etc – the tutoring session can still go on so nothing is missed!

How can Polo & Tweed help?

Polo & Tweed work with many high-end tutors all around the world, as well as with families who need them. With years of experience in the industry, Polo & Tweed is able to provide a seamless process for you in finding the right online tutor for you and your children’s’ needs.

Do get in touch with us here and one of our recruitment consultants can talk you through what we can do for you.



  1. Jithesh Krishnan says:

    I am interested to work as an online tutor.

    Thank you

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