Training Programme for Housekeeping Staff

hotel corridor

Published on June 18, 2018

Proper Housekeeping means proper training! Guests always notice the difference. Click To TweetRegardless of the size of your hotel, your housekeeping staff are the backbone of your hotel.  Without a clean environment for your guests to reside in, the chances of repeat business diminish and bad reviews loom.  Your business will only survive if the cleaning and management of the rooms are at the highest standard. It doesn’t matter how many stars your hotel has, or how large or small it is. Your housekeeping staff should be trained to the highest level of quality and care to achieve the best results.  So time to find a proper complete training programme for your housekeeping staff.

What are the Standards Your Housekeeping Department Should Reach?

The standards you choose to set depending on the unique selling point of your brand.  From a boutique hotel to a small family-run hotel, your standards can influence your housekeeping department.  There are however some key aspects that your housekeeping department standards should typically have:

  1. Uniform
  2. Equipment
  3. Products/Cleaning Chemicals
  4. Maintenance
  5. Laundry
  6. Communication
  7. Health and Safety
  8. Fire Protocol

What are the Standards Your Housekeeping Department Should Follow?

With the established standards that your housekeeping department should have – how should they follow them?

  1. Uniform

    Uniforms achieve two purposes. To protect your staff from the stains and toxins which come from daily cleaning product use. And to give your staff a professional, ‘uniform’ appearance.

  2. Cleaning Equipment

    From the trolley, mops, vacuum, brushes, broom and commercial cleaning equipment. These items should all be used with the correct care and attention to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Failure to do so can affect the job being done. And also decrease the lifespan of the product, costing the hotel more due to replacements.

  3. Products/Cleaning Chemicals

    Correct product application and awareness of health and safety both for the staff and the surrounding guests.  Product knowledge, like the correct amounts to use, ensures the products are effective. But also that the products don’t damage the surfaces they are being used on.

  4. Maintenance

    Although the housekeeping team might not be actually doing the maintenance, it is their job to report issues to maintenance. And to monitor their repair.  From a broken TV remote to a faulty light fixture.  This awareness will help speed up any required repairs. And also reduce the number of guest complaints!

  5. Laundry

    Depending on the size of the hotel, the housekeeper staff may not have to directly manage the laundry. However, if they do, it is wise that they understand the key functions of correct laundry procedures.  For in-room service, it’s vital for the housekeeping staff to understand how to fold clothes in the room, make the bed, hang towels, etc to a high standard.

  6. Communication

    This may seem like a given, but without following clear communication, both between housekeeping and between the other departments in the house, the hotel can suffer.  From simple requests through to detailed schedule instructions and last-minute changes, the communication will help bond the team and ensure the highest level of care and approach is achieved.

  7. Health and Safety

    These days, where legislation is there to protect the workers, the guests and those entering the premise, health and safety is key to a long-standing establishment and its success.  It is not something that should be ignored, as both heavy fines and consequences could occur if it’s not taken seriously.  Your entire team should be fully up to speed on the latest health and safety protocols.

  8. Fire Protocols

    Similar to health and safety, this is a key aspect the housekeeping team should follow.  If a fire does occur, the guests will look to ask for advice and follow the staff themselves, so they should all be clear on the correct procedures.  You’d be surprised how many members of staff choose to rescue their mobile phones instead of following the correct fire drills!

What You Should Include in Your Hotel Housekeeper Training?

When devising a training programme for your housekeeping staff, you need to cover a broad spectrum of areas to ensure that continuity and confidence is achieved.  It is not an easy task to achieve!

  1. Cleaning Skills

    From the actual techniques to the desired results, during the housekeeping training, we can establish a common ground for the housekeeping team.  This doesn’t mean that each housekeeper has to use the same process, but if one process is quicker than another, then we will work to find the most effective way to approach that specific skill.  We can continually learn and evolve, and the team can hone their skills during the cleaning skills section of housekeeping training.

  2. Use of Equipment & Products

    Similar to the actual skills and techniques, the actual equipment and products that are being used may not be familiar to the housekeeping staff.  Even if they are familiar with the products and equipment, the way they are used can always be improved to ensure that the products and equipment are correctly maintained and have the longest life possible!

  3. Guest Etiquette & Interaction

    Your housekeeping staff will most likely regularly pass guests or interact with them.  The way they react and interact with guests is key to guest happiness and their return to your hotel.  Poor interactions or lack of etiquette will greatly affect this.  During training, we can teach your staff how to understand cultural differences, how to make a first impression, and how to approach body language and etiquette.  These small and subtle changes will make a major difference to the confidence within the housekeeping team and also how they treat and interact with the guests around them.

  4. Presentation

    Similar to etiquette, the way your housekeeping team present themselves reflects the brand and hotel.  From the uniform they wear to personal hygiene, these will all have an effect on guest reactions and have an impact on your brand image.  You need your housekeepers to take pride in their presentation, and they need to know why this is important.

  5. Communication

    All teams no matter how small or large can improve their communication.  It may be cultural differences, or it might simply be that the process they follow to communication is different from the other person or team members.  By developing and working through staff communication, your housekeeping team will become more effective at their work, and more efficient at getting their jobs done!  Staff happiness will also improve, and this will in turn reduce staff turnover.

  6. Health and Safety & Fire Protocol

    This subject can be tedious but is a vital one, and engaging your housekeeping team during the training sections of this is key to them retaining the information.  During training, it can be presented in a fun and interactive way, in order for them to absorb the information and not fall asleep!  This training can literally save lives, so it’s wise and very important to regularly update and refresh.

The skills your housekeeper team learn and hone can be the difference between the success and failure of your hotel.  It’s not just about having a clean and tidy room. The finishing touches through to the guest interactions all play a major part.  If you are interested in learning more about staff training for your housekeeper team, we would love to hear from you.  Drop us a line and one of our experienced consultants will be in touch to discuss the next steps.


  1. Yemi Joseph says:

    Pls I will like to train my staff on general hospitality custormer service,etiquette, personal hygiene and phone handling

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hi Yemi! Thank you for your message, you are welcome to email us on [email protected] and one of our consultants will be in touch directly to see if we can assist from our side. We look forward to speaking to discuss your training needs.

      • Parnata says:

        Thank you i want to discuss some training housekeeping staff.

        • mm LucyChallenger says:

          Fantastic. Please do give us a call on +44(0)203 858 0233 or email us at [email protected] and we would be delighted to discuss the training options we can arrange for your staff.

          • Martins Nelson says:


            I like to train my staff on general hospitality and personal hygiene. Where can I find out more?

            Martins Nelson

          • Aafke Meelen says:

            Hello Martins,

            Thank you very much for your comment. To find out more about the training we can set up for you and our wonderful trainers, please email us to [email protected] or you can call us on +44 (0) 203 858 0233. We look forward to help you train your staff!

  2. Kim Day says:

    I would love to know more on staff training for housekeeping team.

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hi Kim! Thank you for your message, you are welcome to email us on [email protected] and one of our consultants will be in touch directly to see if we can assist from our side. We look forward to speaking to discuss your training needs.

  3. Peter Emeka says:

    I am a house keeper. I will love to be trained more about my job.

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Fantastic, and we would love to train you too! Do give us a call on +44(0)203 858 0233 or email us on [email protected] and we would be delighted to discuss our training options with you.

      • Vasim Akram says:

        good morning from Qatar Lucy hope you doing well i want to trained my staff if anything you can do

        kind regards
        vsim akram

        • Aafke Meelen says:

          We can certainly help with that! Our training consultant will be in touch with you directly. In the meantime, you can read all about our different training options on our website here.

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hello Peter. We would be delighted to train you in the beautiful art of housekeeping. Do give us a call on +44(0)203 858 0233 or email us on [email protected] and we can discuss our training options.

  4. Soumya says:

    Good article!

  5. Sundar says:

    It’s really a very helpful article. Thank you for your time and helping people.
    We hope for more articles from you in nearest future!

  6. Prahlad Ingti says:

    I want to train my staff about communication and guest etiquette. Also the cleaning process and housekeeping. I am myself a housekeeping supervisor.

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Fantastic! You’ve come to the right place! We can help you with any training needs you might have. Please do email us on [email protected] or call us on +44(0)203 858 0233 and we’d be delighted to discuss our training options with you. 🙂

  7. Janaka Herath says:

    I am Janaka and I want to know how to plan training sessions for my staff. We have 232 guest room and 20 HK staff including pool, laundry, order taker, public areas etc.

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hello Janaka, thank you for your message – we would love to help you with your training programme. The best thing to do would be to drop us an email at [email protected] or call us on +44(0)203 858 0233 and we can create a specific package for you based on your needs. We look forward to hearing from you.

  8. Mutakiru says:

    I want to train my housekeeping staff about so many things, like communication, guest etiquette and many more areas of duties.

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Fabulous! We offer all types of training, and our training gives the team and staff a great deal of confidence in their skills. You can reach out to us by calling +44(0)203 858 0233 and we can discuss how we can help you!

  9. Alison Cooper says:

    I have 3 properties that we rent out on Airbnb . I would like the cleaning team to be trained so they are all cleaning to the same standards – team of 4.

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hello Alison, thank you for your comment. We would be delighted to assist you – this is an area we specialise in. One of our team members has dropped you an email directly, but you are welcome to call us in +44(0)203 858 0233 and we can speak more about your training needs. Thank you! 🙂

  10. Javad gonabadi says:

    Greetings and regards
    I am the housekeeping manager of the 5 star
    Hotel in Iran and I also work in training
    Housekeeping and laundry personal.
    Due to the lack of major study and
    educational resources in Iran,I have the
    Opportunity to submit theses leaflets and
    information for use in classrooms, upgrades
    and acquaintances with hotel accommodations
    Javad gonabadi

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hello Javad – greetings from London! We would be delighted to help you further as we can certainly provide materials for you to buy or licence for use in your hotel. We would be delighted to help you – I’ve sent you an email directly so I look forward to hearing from you. 🙂

  11. Sankesh Patil says:

    I want to train my staff in polices of the hotel, related to housekeeping – how can you help?

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hi Sankesh! Thank you for your message – please do get in touch with us and we’d be delighted to help with your staff training! 🙂

  12. Judy ndirangu says:

    I am Judy, an executive housekeeper, I would like to train my team about etiquette and communication. I will be glad to hear from you!

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hi Judy! Great to hear from you – we can certainly assist you and your team. I’ve dropped you a direct email and I look forward to hearing from you. Lucy

  13. Sumesh says:

    I want to know more about the programme for entry level staff since we require training for an education centre

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hello Sumesh, thank you for your message. We can certainly provide a detailed, or tailor-made training for your entry level staff. Please do get in touch with us here, and one of our lovely consultants will be able to discuss your project in more detail. Thank you.

  14. Stanley stan says:

    Please, I found your training very instructional and inspiring. I need your help on communication and tools handling for my staff. Cheers

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hi Stanley, so pleased you find out training helpful! You are welcome to get in touch with us on +44(0)203 858 0233 and one of our team would be able to discuss with you your training needs going forward. We look forward to speaking with you.

  15. Umesh Kumar says:

    Hi Lucy I’m Umesh from India, I’m also interested to learn for how to train my housekeeping team. Pls suggest me how can attend ur training session?

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      Hello Umesh, thank you for your comment. We would be delighted to assist you with training for your housekeeping team. Please do give us a call on +44(0)203 858 0233 and we can certainly assist you further. We look forward to hearing from you.

  16. Nagesh s gaikwad says:

    I need advice on Housekeeping supervisor training and Carpet cleaning, with all machine operating training – can you help?

    • mm LucyChallenger says:

      We can certainly help with all your training – please do get in touch with us on +44(0)203 858 0233 and we’d be delighted to speak further about your training needs.

  17. Jane says:

    Your blog information is very interesting. A very good cleaning service should provide the best prices by having the best solutions.

  18. Citinz says:

    This is one of the best writeups on a training programme for housekeeping staff. Before hitting on the other blogs I would request everyone to give a try over here to get the best available content. The article is very informative regarding work as well.

  19. Dawood kamran says:


    I am looking for some tips for housekeeping staff training in banks, plazas etc. Could you help?

    • Aafke Meelen says:

      Hi Dawood,

      Thank you for your message. Our Housekeeping training courses can be applied to all types of Housekeeping work and venues! So do have a look at the Housekeeping Training section on our website HERE, and you can find out all the training options!

  20. Patarica Swaby says:

    hello how are you I would like information about training for cleaning and maintenance positions

    • Aafke Meelen says:

      We can definitely help with that, Patarica! Have a look on our website here where you can find all information about our Housekeeping training courses. Which will cover all that you need, and much more! We run in-person, group, private as well as online training courses so there are plenty of options to choose from. Hope this helps!

  21. Apurba Baruah says:

    I am looking for housekeeping training conducted by you

  22. Chibueze Chy Julieth says:

    I want to train myself on housekeeping and am hoping to get a job, please

    • Aafke Meelen says:

      That’s a great plan! You can read all about our housekeeping training courses here – all training courses are available as e-learning online training courses, too. If you are interested to register with us for jobs, please complete the form on our website here to get you started!

  23. John Agwu says:

    I need all about housekeeping, motivation, planning, training etc

    • Aafke Meelen says:

      Thank you for your comment, John. Both our Housekeeping and House Management training courses could be suitable for your requests! We offer all our training courses in online e-learning options too. You can read all about it on our website here.

  24. Tuduetso Trish Mmile says:

    May I please have more information.

  25. Ganesh Nayak says:

    I want to learn more

  26. Chris Hillary says:

    I need training for my employees

  27. Mostafizur Rahman says:

    Dear Concern,
    Do you arrange any offline training workshop for Housekeeping?

  28. Ronnie kav says:

    I want to acquire a certificate in housekeeping management

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