Why You Should Hire A Temporary Chauffeur


Published on May 20, 2021

Do you know why you should hire a temporary chauffeur? Having a chauffeur, whether part-time, full time, or temporarily, can make a great difference to your busy household. There can be many different reasons why you should hire a temporary chauffeur. Or at least why you should consider it as an option. Perhaps you are unable to drive yourself for a period of time, or simply just need some extra help. Whatever the reason is, a temporary chauffeur can be a great addition to any busy household!

Unable To Drive

A first reason why you might need to hire a temporary chauffeur, is if you are unable to drive yourself for a while. This can have many different reasons. Perhaps you are injured, or unwell. And to all of a sudden not be able to drive can have a big impact on your life, and that of your family, too.

If you have children, then not being able to do the school run can be a real problem. If the school is not within walking distance, you might not want to rely upon public transport. That can be time-consuming, stressful and very impractical if you are having to bring different children to different schools too.

But even for yourself, not being able to drive can have a big effect. It might be an option to get taxis everywhere for the period you need to. But that will not only be very expensive but also unreliable. There might not be a taxi available every time you need it. What if a taxi driver gets stuck in traffic on its way to you? What if they get a better trip because they don’t want to do a short trip to your office? There are many things that can go wrong.

Whereas, when you hire a temporary chauffeur, you know you will get reliability and consistency. Your chauffeur will simply know your schedule inside out and will make sure to be there for you and your family whenever needed.

Extra Help Needed

Sometimes you will find yourself in a period you know will be extremely busy. You might have a crazy period at work coming up. Your partner or yourself might have to travel internationally a lot. Maybe your nanny who normally helps out with school runs is away for a period of time.

Whatever the reason is, a temporary chauffeur can be an excellent solution here. Imagine not having to worry anymore about how to get somewhere, scheduling your commute, or the children’s school run. Your temporary chauffeur can create a schedule for you and the rest of the household. Making sure everyone will be where they need to be at the right time, stress-free and in comfort!

Try To See If It Works For You

A final reason why you might need to hire a temporary chauffeur is to find out if you and your household need a chauffeur. You might really like the idea of having a chauffeur, but are unsure on whether it will work. Will you use it enough, will it be worth it? Hiring a temporary chauffeur is a great way to find out whether this is something your family could benefit from.

Do, however, keep in mind that your temporary chauffeur might not be looking for a long term role. Of course, you can always have the conversation if you end up really liking your temporary chauffeur. And see whether they would be interested in a long term role! But if you are specifically looking to hire a temporary chauffeur, don’t assume they will be interested in, or available for, anything more long term.

How Can Polo & Tweed Help

Are you ready to hire a temporary chauffeur, or would you like to find out more? Polo & Tweed can help! Polo & Tweed are the experts in domestic staff recruitment, including finding you the best chauffeur to work for you. Whether this is temporary or longer term. Finding a temporary chauffeur does not have to take up lots of your time. Simply let us help you. Our highly experienced team will be able to find you the right person efficiently. So you can find the right temporary chauffeur, suited for you and your household.


  1. Dani RouseHolland says:

    I will be coming to the UK from the USA. Instead of setting up separate drivers/companies on these dates, Is it feasible to have a driver(s) with your company to help me with these rides? And if so, could you please provide me an estimate on the costs? I basically just need a driver on these dates to move me from one place to another. Nothing fancy, I’m all about being casual…but something so I can see the countryside and get to my different destinations safely in a timely manner.

    • Gabriela Pacurar says:

      Thank you for getting in touch 🙂 One of our consultants will be in touch via email. Have a great day!

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